Jewellex Africa 2024 Exhibitor List
- Ajanta Gems CC G4
- Bassano Gioielli (Pty) Ltd G8
- Beautiful Selection (Pty )Ltd BR4
- Brinks SA (Pty) Ltd D1
- Caldeaz Manufacturing Technologies S1
- Cape Tools & Jewellery Supplies B6
- CPM Students Stand G3
- Crayve Presentations (Pty) Ltd G9
- Daberon Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd C3
- De-Niro Trading B4
- Dept. of Jewellery Design & Manufacture (University of Johannesburg) BR3
- Ekurhuleni Jewellery Project BR6
- Emet Diamond Dealers (Pty) Ltd A10
- Europgold (Pty) Ltd B9
- Ferrari Logistics Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd D3
- Gauteng Industrial Development Zone BR2
- Gem Gallery Africa G6
- Gemfields B10
- Gemgold Gemstones S5
- GemologyAfrica A4
- Golden Wholesale Jewellers A6
- Gussy Diamonds G10
- Heavenly Trading G15
- Innov-X Africa D4
- Italchain Wholesale Jewellery A11
- Jewellers’ Network S3
- Jewellery Afrika S8
- Karleigh King (Pty) Ltd M8
- Kimberley Diamond Jewellery Incubator G10
- Kimberly Impex G10
- Knox Titanium Vault Company (Pty) Ltd G2
- Krisha Gems (Pty) Ltd G14
- LAB Diamonds C9
- Lethale Carat (Pty) Ltd BR1
- Lichaba Global Dealers BR7
- Limitless by Jenni Gault M1
- Limpopo Jewellery Business Incubator M4
- Lute Diamonds G10
- Love Art Ceramics S4
- Maselesele Jewellers M7
- Metal Concentrators (Pty) Ltd B1
- Morellato G7
- MMH Jewellers M8
- Nedbank Info Desk JC Stand
- Nivoda G5
- North Side Diamond Polishing Tools D5
- Oro Africa (Pty) Ltd B7
- Osprey Underwriting Managers A1
- Phindile Mo Jewellers M8
- Pneuma Jewellers M5
- Precious Metals Tswane C5
- Probrite S2
- Punto Diamante/ Jewelmark B8
- Ritco Manufacturing Jewellers A3
- RMK Marketing B5
- Roma Gold G11
- SA Jewellery C2
- SA Jewellery News magazine S9
- SciAps Africa D2
- Seth Jewellery Findings C8
- Sienca CC B2
- Sivana Africa BR5
- SM Watch Wholesale Pty Ltd G1
- Bezalel Atelier A2
- South African Diamond And Precious Metals Regulator M8
- Spectrometer Technologies A9
- Sundelson Brothers B3
- Teomim Lab Diamonds & Labtradr S6
- The Jewellery Council Of SA
- The Platinum Incubator M8
- Ubuntu African Silver M6
- Ungar Brothers CC C4
- United Scientific (Pty) Ltd A7
- Unity Distributors C1
- Vega ZA (Pty) Ltd B11
- Versitrade C6
Jewellex Africa is the premier trade fair of the South African jewellery industry and has been hosted by the Jewellery Council of South Africa for over 45 years.

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