Were can you get your diamonds graded?

Diamond grading is a specialized task that requires a high level of expertise in gemology. Here are some of the leading institutions that offer diamond grading services: These institutions use internationally recognized standards to grade diamonds based on their color, clarity, carat weight, and cut quality. Grading reports from these institutions can help you understand […]

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Careers, Jobs

The jewelry industry has a diverse range of career opportunities. Here are some roles and responsibilities: These are just a few examples of the many different roles available in the jewelry industry. There are many more opportunities for those with a passion for design, gemstones, and sales. Careers in the Diamond Industry Did you know

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4C’S of diamond

The 4C’s of diamonds refer to the four characteristics that are considered the most important when determining a diamond’s quality and value: These four characteristics work together to determine a diamond’s overall quality and value. In the early 20th century, Robert M. Shipley, a former retail jeweler, undertook the task of professionalizing the American jewelry industry.

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Gold-Precious Metals

In South Africa, a license is required to buy and sell raw gold. According to the South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator Act, anyone that wants to trade in precious metals, which includes raw gold, must display their precious metals license number on all documents related to the trading of precious metals. It’s important

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International Gemological Institute

International Gemological Institute (IGI) has been sold in a deal worth more than $US596.6 million.  The International Gemological Institute (IGI) has 29 grading laboratories and 18 gemology schools, employing approximately 1,000 people, were 80 percent owned by China’s Fosun Group. Singapore’s BCP Asia II Topco has now acquired the IGI. The new owner of the

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Award-winning Jewelry Designer Creates Gemstones from Recycled Materials

Anabela Chan, the owner of a London-based boutique, has switched to lab-grown diamonds after learning about the poor working conditions in diamond mines. Her innovative approach involves crafting gemstones from recycled materials, transforming them into some of the most precious and valuable commodities in the world1.

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