Kimberley Process (KP) is a certification scheme that regulates the trade of rough diamonds and aims to prevent the flow of conflict diamonds,

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of rough diamonds 

Diamgold Academy’s Diamond Rough Course: Unearth the Brilliance

Introduction to Diamond Rough

At Diamgold Academy, the journey begins with the uncut—the raw, unpolished diamonds that hold immense potential. In the Diamond Rough Course, students gain a deep understanding of these precious gems, from their formation deep within the Earth to their transformation into dazzling jewels. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  1. Geometric Appearance: Understand the unique shapes and structures of rough diamonds. Each uncut stone carries its own story, waiting to be revealed through skilled craftsmanship.
  2. Hardness & Specific Gravity (SG): Dive into the technical aspects. Learn about diamond hardness—the reason diamonds can cut through glass—and explore how specific gravity helps identify genuine diamonds.
  3. From Mine to Market: Trace the journey from mine to market. Explore the mining process, the challenges faced by miners, and the ethical considerations surrounding diamond extraction.

Hands-On Experience

The Diamond Rough Course isn’t just theory—it’s hands-on. Students have the opportunity to:

  • Surveying: Step into the shoes of a geologist. Survey diamond-rich areas, analyze soil samples, and identify potential diamond deposits.
  • Mining: Experience the thrill of diamond mining. Learn about extraction techniques, safety protocols, and the art of uncovering rough diamonds.

Beyond the Classroom

At Diamgold Academy, education extends beyond the classroom:

  • Mine Visits: For an immersive experience, students can visit diamond mines and witness the process firsthand. Understand the challenges faced by miners and appreciate the value of each uncut gem.
  • Polishing Factory Tours: Explore diamond polishing factories. Witness the transformation from rough to polished—a delicate dance of precision and skill.

Why Choose Diamgold Academy?

  1. Expert Faculty: Learn from industry experts who have spent decades in the diamond trade. Their insights are invaluable.
  2. Practical Focus: The course emphasizes practical skills. Whether you aspire to be a diamond cutter, a jeweler, or a gemologist, this foundation is essential.
  3. Global Network: Diamgold’s network extends across the diamond world. Connect with professionals, explore job opportunities, and stay updated on industry trends.

Unleash the Brilliance

The Diamond Rough Course at Diamgold Academy is your gateway to the heart of diamonds—their uncut, unfiltered essence. Whether you’re a budding gemologist or a jewelry enthusiast, this course will ignite your passion for these remarkable stones.

Ready to unearth brilliance? Explore the course details here and embark on a journey that sparkles with promise! 💎✨1.

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