FORM PMJ Permit number: 0000000001
[In terms of section 9(6) of the Precious Metals Act, 2005 (Act 37 of 2005)]
1. For any Jeweller’s Permit enquiries, contact the office of the Regulator during office hours.
2. Complete the Jeweller’s Permit form in block letters and in black pen.
3. Where Jeweller’s Permit options are given mark the appropriate block.
4. Complete the Jeweller’s Permit orm in English only and do not use abbreviations.
5. Although the Jeweller’s Permit application forms are made available in electronic format, only a signed original hard copy shall
be acceptable.
6. Ensure that all the required documentation accompanies the Jeweller’s Permitapplication.
7. The Jeweller’s Permit application must be submitted to the operational business premises of the Regulator
The Jewellery Council of South Africa has released some helpful hints on how to ease the process of obtaining your jeweller’s permit, as well as documentation to assist you with your application.
Firstly, it’s important to note the threshold within which your company falls, in order to establish your compliance level. Refer to page 29 of the digital PDF version of the Mining Charter/ Government Gazette 2018 (link to download here). Compliance requirements are as summarised below:
MICRO ENTERPRISES are defined as a company with an estimated maximum turnover of less than R1 million. Students are also included in this category.
Micro Enterprises are exempt from all the Mining Charter elements. You cannot
be forced to comply with any of the pillars and if you are, please advise the Jewellery Council who will assist their members.
SMALL ENTERPRISES are defined by a maximum turnover of between R1 million to R50 million.
If you fall into this category, you will be required to comply with the following Targets:
- Ownership*: minimum of 26% shareholding for Historically Disadvantaged Persons (See page 31 [35] of the Mining Charter). This 26% BEE shareholding must be distributed in the manner prescribed:
- A minimum of 10 %, of which 5% is a non-transferable carried interest, to qualifying employees from the effective date of a licence or permit.
- A minimum of 16% shares to a BEE entrepreneur.
This page also details the stipulations for diamond dealers and precious metals refiners.
* We have been advised that if you do your register right you won’t need the 26% BEE ownership. Chat to Evan Roberts WhatsApp +2773 9990999 for further details
- Human Resources Development Element: Described as HRD expenditure as a percentage of total annual leviable amount (excl. mandatory skills development levy).
- The compliance target is 5% of the leviable amount
- Measure: Invest 5% of the leviable amount as defined in the HRD element in proportion to applicable demographics (employees and non -employees)
- Weight: 30%
See page 42 of the PDF / 46 of the Government Gazette for this table outlining these compliance targets, weights and measures.
- Employment Equity Element – if you have more 10 or more employees. See pages 40&41 of the PDF / pages 44&45 of the Government Gazette in which the Mining Charter was published for this tables outlining compliance targets broken down by race for board members, executive, senior, middle and junior management and employees with core critical skills. Representation of females are also noted, as well as employees with disabilities.
Small Enterprises are exempt from:
- Socio Economic Development Element
- Inclusive Procurement, Supplier and Enterprise Development Element
- Employment Equity Element (if you have less than 10 employees)
Medium to large Enterprises with a maximum turnover greater than R50 million are required to comply with all elements. See page 31 [35] of the Mining Charter onwards for the stipulations that must be complied with.
For further explanations in the Mining Charter Guidelines published by the DMR, Mining-Charter-Guidelines.Dec-2018 see:
- Pages 5-13 of the PDF (published pages 9-17) for the Ownership Element
- Pages 14-34 of the PDF (published pages 18-38) Procurement, Supplier and Enterprise Development Element, reporting templates and weighted scorecards
- Pages 35-37 of the PDF (published pages 39-41) for the Human Resources Development Element
- Pages 45-47 of the PDF (published pages 49-51) for the Employment Equity Element
- Pages 51-52 of the PDF (published pages 55-56) for the Socio Economic Development Element

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